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Club News 2024

Ladies Summer Luncheon June 2024

Our traditional Ladies Summer Luncheon was held on Wednesday June 19th and attended by over 60 members and their wives who enjoyed  a delicious 3-course lunch, excellently organised once again by David and Lesley Davis. The appetizing meal was followed by a short resume of the Probus year's events by current Chairman Mike Appleyard who raised a toast to our continuing good health and friendship followed by a generous raffle, providing all those present an excellent start to the summer season.

Wallis Simpson and her King May 2024

Richard Anderson, Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of Berkshire gave a surprise talk with the revelations and fantastic detail on Wallis Simpson and her King. Richard focused on Wallis Simpson with her bizarre early background life and her incredible influence and control over Edward Vlll. He unveiled many stories, fantasies and myths that have grown up with this drama of royal life. These unbelievable  stories were supported by a never-ending slideshow of fascinating photographs, UK Govt and U.S.A. faxes, MI5/CRA communications and even actual copies of the £7 million of jewellery showered on this lady. He continued his revelations which included her affair with the Nazi Van Ribbentrop and the pair's WW2 disclosures to Hitler and post-war banishment. This was a memorable talk that had it all – history, drama, shocks, cover-ups.

Annual General Meeting February 2024

On Wednesday 21st February the Club hosted its annual general meeting (AGM). A large contingent of members came along to meet friends over lunch and elect a new Chairman and Committee and hear of the plans for 2024. The current Chairman, Doug Hill thanked the membership and committee for their past and continued support and passed the ceremonial chain of office to Mike Appleyard the newly elected Chairman.

Wildlife in Your Garden January 2024


How often do you get the opportunity to have an extremely busy “Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2023” come and show you his collection of “WILDLIFE IN YOUR GARDEN” photos?

Well, after a 7 year pause since his last visit TOM WAY delighted his Probus audience before setting off for 6 months in Africa. Tom, an excellent raconteur, as well as photographer, took us on a journey of how he tries to use the key factors of light, colour, locality, seasons and, the occasional peanut to capture the personality of his animal subjects.

Members gazed upon wonderful photo after photo of water voles, hedgehogs, foxes, badgers, deer, hares, woodpeckers, kingfishers and many different species of owls, with Tom explaining the background of each shot. The session ended with a host of questions from members.

Go along to the National History Museum to see Tom's award winning photo of two fighting Komodo dragons.....

Ladies Christmas Lunch December 2023

Members of the club enjoyed a very delightful and colourful traditional Christmas lunch with their wives and partners. This was followed by an end of year speech from the Chairman, Douglas Hill.  After the traditional toasts there was a generous raffle organized by David Davis. The meeting was enjoyed by all and the Chairman closed the meeting wishing everyone a great Christmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.

Xmas 2 2023.jpg

Livery Companies - October 2023

Our speaker, Mike Beech, gave a talk about the Livery Companies of London. He described how, in the 12th Century in London, groups of traders formed associations which then became guilds and later Livery Companies where they became very powerful organizing trade and commerce. He took us through the historical events of these companies involving Samuel Pepys, Elizabeth 1st , the origin of the “Trademark” symbol and the setting up of the City & Guilds testing platform. Today there are more than 110 Livery Companies, some with their most ornate Meeting Halls. Mike described some of their bizarre races and events including the Swan  Upping Ceremony that we see every year on our river. This very well researched presentation was thoroughly enjoyed by all members present.

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